Recover with Ronni, Eating Disorder Recovery Coaching

Eating disorder recovery is so freaking hard. I know, because I’ve been there.  I know what you are feeling.  I know the denial, disgust and the shame.  I know what it’s like to sneak food and eat it in secret. I know what it’s like to restrict food and count the calories of every morsel that went into my mouth.

I was a compulsive overeater, binge eater and emotional eater for 30 years.  Yep, you read that right, 30 years, beginning at age 9. I’m now over 14 years recovered. While I mostly overate, a lot, I restricted as well to try to take off the weight I gained. 

I feel that I have gone through all of this torture for a reason – to help others who are still struggling with food, whether it’s eating too much or eating too little.  Using food to cope or numb was internalized by you when you were younger.  You were too young to know what was going on and you controlled food as a way of getting control of a bad situation.

Here’s what we can do together:

 I can help you dig into your past to help you understand why you started to control food to begin with. When you learn what happened in your past and process it, you can move forward without ED yelling in your ear all the time. The shouting becomes a mere whisper.

Break free from diet culture – trying out new diets, like the one your cousin went on and lost 10 pounds in three weeks but put the weight back on two weeks later. Diet culture is toxic, and you don’t want any parts of it.

Find peace with food – I’ll help you to find food freedom so eating is no longer a blessing and a curse for you. I’ll give you the tools to help you deal with food in the here and now. 

Shut down the ED voice inside your head – We’ll work on shutting off the ED chatter, that inner dialogue that goes in your head that tells you to use food.

Help you understand why you’ve had trouble with diets – Hint, it’s never about the diet!

Assist you with your body image – There truly is health at every size.  Being thin does not mean your life will be full of unicorns and rainbows, far from it.

Get you to a point where your obsession with food no longer controls you and your life.

Recovery won’t be fast, easy or without backwards steps, but you can do hard things. You’ve done other difficult things and you can do this too. I promise you it will be worth it. 

Reclaim your life!  A life that includes all foods and listening to your body and intuition.  You can do this and I’ve got you.

Experience and Training:

·       Over 44 years of life experience with binge eating, compulsive overeating, emotional eating, as well as restricting. Fourteen of those years as recovered.

·       ED-IT Certified Eating Disorder Recovery Coach.  **Add certification logo once I get it

·       Written many articles about mental health, fitness and eating disorders.

·       If you want to get the dirt on me, feel free to order my memoir, Out of the Pantry:  A Disordered Eating Journey  

Want to Give it a Try?

To set up a free 30-minute consultation Zoom, click the booking link

Appointments can be 30 or 60 minutes long, as many times a week or month as you like.  Our meeting lengths and quantity can shift as we move forward in your recovery.